Police clear Ogun DPO of corruption allegations

The Nigeria Police Command in Ogun State has cleared Ogijo Divisional Police officer (name withheld) free of corruption allegations.

The DPO was accused of “soliciting” for retirement contributions and illegal conversion of suspect’s property for his personal use through a recently Media report.

The Command’s spokesperson, SP Omolola Odutola disclosed this in a statement while reacting to a vile press criticisms launched against the Divisional Police officer.

The police spokesperson maintained that the Command welcomes constructive criticisms aimed at improving policing mechanisms are welcomed.

It however stressed that unfounded attacks on the reputation of exceptional and dedicated officers are detrimental to the overall goal of ensuring public confidence in the force.

Accordingly, SP Odutola urged members of the public to disregard the allegations, which the statement describe as false and misleading.

The statement also said the allegations were met to tarnish the reputation of a Divisional Police Officer who have served meritoriously and ensured the safety of lives and properties of residents.

It noted that the Community has enjoyed relative peace due to the diligence of this officer and his team via sustained night patrols and covert operations that have made criminals to succumb to police.

The statement reads partly that: “It is important for the public to exercise caution and not be swayed by false news from unreliable sources as the Ogun State Police Command has never been inundated by such reports of misconduct from the Divisional Police Officer, but rather has received accolades of good performances from the officers and men of Ogijo Divisional Headquarters.

“Sequel to the records of an impressive and outstanding discharge of his core policing duty, the latter publication remain inconsistent and as such a deliberately fabricated falsehood”, SP Omolola stressed.

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