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Tragedy in police cell

The death of a male detainee, Oduyiga Seyi in Nigeria police custody in Ogun State in connection with series of cult clashes, which claimed the lives of five rival cultists.

The tragedy, which was linked to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees, is flaring tempers among human rights defenders and deceased family.

But, the spokesperson for the Police Command in the State, SP Omolola Odutola alleged in a statement that 39-year-old suspected cultist, and Gbenga Adejoke who lives within Atoyo area of Sagamu, were notorious members of outlawed Buccaneer and Eiye confraternity.

SP. Odutola also alleged that Suyi lost his life battle last weekend at Ijaye General Hospital Abeokuta where the suspect along with other suspects Seyi allegedly gave bites in police Cell for medical treatment against infection after violent broke out in the Cell.

The State police Command’s spokesperson said police authorities have commenced autopsy to unravel Seyi’s death and recalled that on Friday, 24th November, at about 0500 hours, Seyi went berserk, shouting, bitting with teeth, and reportedly assaulted other suspects in the Cell until he got exhausted”.

“Other suspects in the cell alerted policemen on duty. He was taken to the police hospital and later to Ijaye General Hospital Abeokuta, along with other suspects he gave bites in the cell for medical treatment against infection. Other suspects were treated and discharged, but Seyi, while on medical attention, later gave up the ghost”, SP. Odutola said.

According to her, “This was after alleged that the victim was already charged for Cult related activities and he was taken to Court on Thursday, 23rd November 2023 where he was to be arraigned before a special Court on cultism case in Isabo Abeokuta.

See also  Tragedy in police cell

“But the honourable Court did not sit, and he was brought back to Eleweran in Abeokuta the same Thursday. Seyi was to be taken back to the court at the next available day that the Court will sit, which is on Friday, 24th November 2023”, the statement said.

The statement further said both Seyi and Gbenga made a confessional statement to being members of the outlawed Buccaneer and Eiye confraternity Secret cult. Seyi confessed he was initiated in 2015 on interrogation.

Part of the statement reads: “Ogun police Command holds a strong commitment to upholding fundamental human rights laws, particularly when it comes to treatment of suspects.

“Torture is strictly against our principles. Ogun State police Command is well versed in the legal framework that safeguards the rights of individuals in custody, free from all forms of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment .

“However, on Friday, 24th November, at about 0500 hours, Seyi went berserk, shouting, bitting with teeth, and assaulted other suspects in the cell until he got exhausted. Other suspects in the cell alerted policemen on duty.

“He was taken to the police hospital and later to Ijaye General Hospital Abeokuta, along with other suspects he gave bites in the cell for medical treatment against infection. Other suspects were treated and discharged, but Seyi, while on medical attention, later gave up the ghost.

“As soon as the autopsy report about the deceased is out, the Police will give further details. However, the Commissioner of police, CP Alamutu Abiodun Mustapha, commiserates with the deceased family.

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