Police detain adhoc volunteers drinking liquor in video

Some unnamed adhoc Civilian volunteers have sanctioned by the Nigeria police Command in Ogun State, after a viral video depicting an individual drinking from a transparent disposable cup, posted on social media.

Addressing concerns in a statement, the Command’s spokesperson, SP. Omolola Odutola clarified that the adhoc Civilian volunteer is not policeman.

“It is important to clarify that the person in the video is not a serving Police Officer, rather an adhoc volunteer Civilian. This can be discerned by the absence of a police uniform or any official police insignia”.

SP. Odutola on behalf of the State Commissioner of Police, CP. Alamutu Abiodun, explained that the Civilian volunteers were detained in accordance with established Police disciplinary measures.

The statement said “the individual recorded himself and posted it on social media, acting on his volition, an act frowned at by the Command and which is in flagrant disregard of ethical values”.

“The Police frequently provides training for volunteers and ad hoc personnel to serve as informants and assist in activities such as traffic decongestion. These Civilian volunteers play a supportive role and are not authorized to perform official law enforcement duties.

“However, appropriate measures have been taken by the Command to sanction the said adhoc volunteers as they have been detained in accordance with established Police disciplinary measures”, SP. Odutola stressed.

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