Ogun teen electrocuted fetching water from well

Tragedy struck at Olomore housing Estate, Abeokuta in Ogun State where a 15-year-old girl, Miracle Ogbonna, was electrocuted by naked electricity cable, which lead to her death.

The victim was said to be fetching water when she was tragically electrocuted by a naked Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company, IBEDC cable of the pumping machine imbedded in the Well March 31st (Easter Day).

Spokesperson of the Nigeria Police Command in Ogun State, SP Omolola Odutola, confirmed the incident in a statement on Monday

The statement said after the incident, the victim was taken to Rose Hospital, where the duty medical doctor confirmed her dead.

The case was reported to the Divisional Police Officer of Lafenwa by one Onyekachi Silas “m” of Olomore housing estate Abeokuta.

Onyekachi informed the DPO that his younger brother called him on phone on the 31/03/24 at about 23:50hrs that one Miracle Ogbonna “f” 15 years, who is also the brothers wife younger sister, and residing with them.

Onyekachi further stated that there was a power outage in the house, and Miracle went to the Well to fetch water. In process of Miracle fetching water, power was restored by IBEDC.

SP Odutola said, “no further details yet , about the negligent circumstances of imbedding a naked wire into a Well”.

Police spokesperson said investigation into the case, has began, while the victim’s corpse has been deposited at Oke Lantoro morgue in the State.

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