How to avoid Media, journalists attacks — IPC

The International Press Council (IPC) has demanded stakeholders dialogue that would lead to a national mechanism on Nigeria journalists safety, Press freedom and protect democracy.

Lanre Arogundade, Executive Director, IPC who gave the recommendation during an interview on a Satellite Television at the weekend, said the working document from the dialogue that could be a safeguard against incessant attacks on Nigeria journalists and violation against Media.

He advised the Nigerian government and non-state actors as well as citizens whose rights have been violated to seek redress in Court and relevant regulatory bodies, including the IPC, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and Nigerian Mass Media Complaints Commission where Media disputes are resolved peacefully instead of resorting to self-help, using violence.

According to to him, “The civic space must be there for Press freedom to exist. If there is an attack on the Press, it robs-off on the Press. If you look at the #EndBadGovernance in Nigeria protest for example, apparently, the mindset of security Agencies is that they do not want protests reported by journalists.

“We have seen situations where the Press was being gagged from doing their work. I feel that there is also this mindset that the Media is against us. And to the extent that the security agencies think that they had to do something about the Media.

“If you look at our security agencies, they seem to look like they are yet-to-be demilitarized because they still operate sometimes as if they are in a military environment where the sight of a journalist and a camera instantly provoke anger. It’s absolutely not excusable under a Civilian government.

“We also have this hostile situation because of the way they (government) use some of these existing laws to target journalists.

“One of measures that have adopted is the Cybercrime Act. And I am sure that at the time we go through our records and documents, you will be shocked about how many journalists have been arrested.

“And it’s the same pattern. You publish something online. It could be online or Newspaper or outrightly online publication. And the next day somebody complaint and the police come forth that you are engaged in Cyber bullying and the journalist is in detention. It’s massive kind of assault.

Continuing, Arogundade said, “I think the problem is institutional not necessarily about these individuals. And we have to tackle it at that level.

“We are using this opportunity to say that individuals may have thier won grievances against the Media, but recognize that without Press freedom, there is no democracy.

“If we continue these violations the Media, it will rob-off negatively on the government. So, let us come together and have a dialogue that can lead to a national mechanism on safety of journalists and Press freedom in Nigeria”, he said.

The Executive Director said, “if we look at the kind of assault we are looking at, there are areas we are not doing enough. We need to do better. At the level of the Media and professional bodies and associations.

“The Nigeria Union of Journalists need to do more and push for conversation. One of the things we discussed before these assaults became rapid, was the fact that because the government says that they have their own argument against the Media bothering on inaccurate information, malicious or falsehood.

“We (IPC) said let us adopt a national mechanism on Press freedom where states and non-state actors and debate the issues and come out with a draft document that talks about responsibilities of the Media and stakeholders.

“At the end of the day, we need to remind the government as if they are not part of the international laws and international Conventions, some of which Nigeria is a signatory like the African Charter of People and Human Rights.

“Soon, there will be United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York City, United States of America where our government officials are going to speak.

“We talk about the 3Ps. That is Protection, Prevention and Prosecution”, according to Arogundade, the Public Relations officer of Association of scholars Professionals.

He also tasked Civil Society Organizations to support advocacy for journalists safety and against Press freedom violation in Nigeria.

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