Female circumcision persists despite ban

The Palace of the Oba of Benin in Benin City has expressed concern that despite prohibitive federal legislations against female circumcision otherwise known as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) by some traditional Birth attendants, the practice still still exist in some parts of Edo State.

The age-long cultural practice which has the semblance of a right of passage for the young girls are made compulsory for all girls of that age from the Community whether at home or abroad, the Palace newsletter reads.

It is instructive to note that some parents from communities in Edo State that are based abroad are often put under pressure to bring home their female children hold the opinion that FGM remains the fundamental pillar of our heritage.

While some gladly send their Diaspora female children to take part in the exercise, others do so out of fear to stave off some unspecified negative implications for non-participation, especially among rural dwellers whose children have almost become endangered species.

The Palace is also concerned of the consequences of a violation by participants who are lost in the frenzy of the celebration believing that the law prohibiting FGM in Nigeria is a mere piece of legislation without the force of action.

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